Let Me Be the Bandage for Your Bleeding
Let me be the bandage for your bleeding;
Let me be the ocean for your tears.
Let me be the secret of your healing;
Let me be the song to still your fears.
Love isn't love that cannot love in darkness,
Nor is it love that turns away from pain;
Nor would I love would I not hold your sadness
And with my love your love of life sustain.
So do not think your malady a burden,
And do not think my willingness deceit.
Just let your sorrow flow into my garden,
And I will share with you the harvest sweet. |
Nicholas Gordon |
Reader Comments |
enthusuastic |
Name: sylvynia | 2006-01-04 |
wow!!,such avery gr8 poem..i love d way how he/she used it..te flow of his/her poem was very mesmerizing... |
absolutely beautiful |
Name: isidra | 2007-12-24 |
love ur poem, i couldnt have expressed love more clear than u have |
Name: Valentine | 2012-07-16 |
Checkboxes! Nice Building up a buffer is smart. If you don't, you'll feel like you need to do them on top of eneiythrvg else. You don't need that extra pressure. Good luck with NaNoWriMo! |