We Started Out as Friends and Now It's Love
We started out as friends and now it's love.
How beautiful to move so easily
From comradeship to passionate intimacy,
Pure gain, with no rough edges to remove.
This turn was nothing I'd been thinking of,
No maybes or perhapses, consciously.
I knew desire, but love was not for me
Until I felt my heart from friendship move.
I never felt so happily at home
As I do now, so rich in what life brings.
Your pleasure now is mine, as mine is yours.
I never realized that my life alone
Flitted like a ghost among dead things,
Glancing in through other people's doors. |
Nicholas Gordon |
Reader Comments |
friends in love |
Name: Ai and Kiki | 2006-06-01 |
it is true that me and my lover were friends first and now it is tottaly LOVE |
QPLKTirEkIod |
Name: Pranita | 2012-02-21 |
Good day How are you? I see that you are still puinmpg this site up. Did you had problems with Google during the last update? I took a look at your current rankings for this blog post and it seems that it's all well for now! If there will be any problems be sure to get back to me, always loved your style C ya soon! |
This arcilte is a ho |
Name: Ania | 2014-05-22 |
This arcilte is a home run, pure and simple! |