Love Poems

Love's Not Easy on the Internet

Love's not easy on the Internet.
Words alone can be misunderstood.
Love needs eyes and lips and hands to let
The hurt rest easy when the joy feels good.
Lovers can't reach through the opaque screen
To underscore a message with their arms,
To say with touch exactly what they mean
Or give the light caress that anger calms.
Instead, they must rely on faith and trust,
Loving patiently a fleshless soul,
Taking words for kisses 'cause they must,
With full communion their elusive goal.
Be patient, love, and someday soon you'll see
My body tell you what you mean to me.
Nicholas Gordon
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Reader Comments
Name: Crystal2004-08-29
That was so real. And cute might i add..Good job.
Name: Sunflower2005-02-04
i liked your poem, its kinda true to what i have right now. i have a bf on the net. i live in arizona and he lives in cali. we met on the net, and i think i'm falling in love with him, because he is so sweet.
Couldnt have put it better myself
Name: Kevin2005-02-26
Those are so very true words u spoke.I am so much in love with this girl all the way in Chicago, and i am in Jamaica.But i feel so much love for her that it feels like we are together in person.Our relationship is growing stronger everyday as we learn new things about each other.Keep up the good work your poems are awesome.
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