Love Poems

We Met as Merely Words upon a Screen

We met as merely words upon a screen,
Disembodied souls who found a mate
Through mind alone, and unsuspected yearning.

We fell in love the best way, sight unseen,
Pure hunger that nor feast nor flesh could sate,
Two hidden flames fair fed by phrases burning.

Most find their way by sight into the heart,
Loving first what must most quickly change
And only then what will the years endure.

We did the opposite, though not by art,
Taking steps that we did not arrange
Along a path both passionate and sure.
Nicholas Gordon
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Reader Comments
i dont understand
Name: what whats2005-06-23
ok this poem does not make sence what so ever
i dont understand either
Name: jamie2005-08-14
this is KERASY
Name: Angela2005-09-12
This one is nice....must not only use the mind to understand...use d heart too:) its a wonderful one really...Hope other people will learn to appreciate other peoples work...God BLess...keep d gud job Gordon:)
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