Love Poems

Please Don't Spaz if I Should Ask You Out

Please don't spaz if I should ask you out.
A girl can ask a guy out on a date.
If she likes the guy, I mean, why wait?
Taking risks is what it's all about.

So we have some dinner, maybe dance,
Go out to a bar and have a drink.
You ask me this or that and what I think.
No need right away for a romance.

Why not just two people having fun,
Being with each other, nothing more.
And then, or then not, opening a door
To see what else might happen with this one.
Nicholas Gordon
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Reader Comments
Name: jade2005-04-16
that was cool the title made me laugh!
Name: person2005-11-23
It's so lame add something else to it- change it it's too long rewrite it
Name: monkey2006-01-11
well your poem was kool, I really loved it who cares about wat other people think, you just keep on writting your love or falling in love poems.
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