I Write to Let You Know I Think About You Comments
Reader Comments |
umm |
Name: rachel | 2005-05-14 |
i would like it if i knew wut sum of the words ment:-p |
2005-09-17 |
Name: mariana | 2005-09-17 |
dude what r u trying to say? i'm confused
I write 2 u no i dink bout u |
Name: sami | 2005-09-29 |
I only understand abit of it u get me |
kwl |
Name: lozza | 2005-10-17 |
i think ur poem rocks and wat u have put is really good so ignore these stupid idots^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Perfect |
Name: Amy | 2005-12-10 |
Your poem is beautiful---were u friends with the person u "love"---Correct me if im wrong but i believe that this poem is speeking of a meer friendship where one person starts feeling more for the other and wishes for more than friendship...but the other thinks differently,and finnaly u decide to reveal your hidden feelings. |
its ok |
Name: april | 2006-07-02 |
i like it but i dont undastand da last parts |
wow for the words. |
Name: hollyanne | 2007-01-28 |
its a great poem but using words that many people dont understand makes it hard for others to get what the story is all about.but from my point of view i love it but still need to work on making them longer. |
my lover |
Name: emma morris | 2007-02-02 |
i love u 4ever n ever i wil never break up with u i love u millions i can but wont n cant stop loving u i love uso much u mean so very much 2 meeeeeeeeeee... |
great |
Name: Hannnah Hawley | 2007-10-16 |
This is so good. I dont know how you people can write so good in little time.I wish i can write that ggod but, everytime i atlest try i mess up. iI just wanted to say nice writeing that you all have.Bye for now.....Hannah Hawley |
Shooo |
Name: Tumza | 2010-08-14 |
Please sum1 explain ds to me i dnt gt |
Name: Gina | 2009-06-15 |
I know just how you feel, for I feel the same about one of my friends. |
the poem |
Name: kendell | 2008-02-09 |
/the poem rymes with the begining letters
U |
AKzzUPjsmxpiSRWDD |
Name: James | 2012-12-08 |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adnsipciig elit. In venenatis erat nec libero lacinia at ullamcorper nisl convallis. In nec ultricies ligula. Nulla facilisi. Nam non quam at tellus scelerisque ultrices et et dolor. Vivamus vitae libero augue, id pellentesque metus. In non turpis at quam facilisis vulputate et sed sapien. Integer porttitor placerat venenatis. Vestibulum et laoreet erat. Curabitur dapibus odio tortor. Morbi non ipsum nec nibh facilisis cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adnsipciig elit. In venenatis erat nec libero lacinia at ullamcorper nisl convallis. In nec ultricies ligula. Nulla facilisi. Nam non quam at tellus scelerisque ultrices et et dolor. Vivamus vitae libero augue, id pellentesque metus. In non turpis at quam facilisis vulputate et sed sapien. Integer porttitor placerat venenatis. Vestibulum et laoreet erat. Curabitur dapibus odio tortor. Morbi non ipsum nec nibh facilisis cursus. |
JftsFpgwZhzAwkqc |
Name: Imrana | 2012-12-08 |
These are great! I love your poems and the visual art too. I wasn't fmaliiar with the name American Tanka, although the form is fmaliiar. Very cool to have two versions of each piece. I write haiku, but have never tried a wordle at least not yet. Your blog is awesome. Looks like you've been doing it a while. |
IhffsjUTmKw |
Name: Eduard | 2012-12-10 |
I agree, the entry into the competition shloud be free, after all it is our poems you publish in the book you sell and make money off of. I would love to enter the competition for the chance to win the small bit of prize money and just to get another one of my poems in print as well as possibly on audio as I have done in the past by entering free competitions, however I can not afford to send in even one poem. I think the money you make by selling your book with the collections of our poems shloud be more than enough to cover any and all entry/reading fees. The least you could do is have extra competitions that are free to enter or give the writers that you decide to publish a free copy of the poetry book they are published in as a thank you for all the cash put in your pockets with their words. |