Love Poems

Chris and I Went Out Awhile Back Comments

Reader Comments
Name: amanda2005-03-14
i am glad that you and chris are back together...when i read your poem it made me happy and wished that my chris would come back to me ... so best of wishes and this time don't let him get away...
Name: emily2005-05-15
oh my gosh I used to date a guy named chris and it was exaclly the same. It would be great for me and my chris to get back together. i love your poem.
Name: Amber2005-07-15
i date a boy named chris and i love him very deeply he is my heart. i really felt what you were going threw. Me and my Chris are going to be together forever!!!!! and I hope the same for you.
sounds familiar
Name: Sophie2005-07-20
Thats a sweet poem! Keep writing! Its so weird that all those people had similar situations, but i have to admit i did too lol. My chris and I went out for over 2 years and a half. He broke up with me and now i have another boyfriend and he decides he's in love again. Something tells me we're meant for eachother.. not sure what to do.
Name: Carina2005-12-20
i like this one... I'm in love with a guy named Chris right now... i just wish he'd love me back...
me and chris
Name: katie2006-01-19
omg i am love with a boy named chris i hope we will stay together 4 eva your poem was really good
Name: sarah2006-10-08
i have acrush on aguy called chriss n hopefully he'll notice me.pray 4 me girls.
All you Girls and Nic
Name: Rachel2006-10-15
I went out with a guy named Chris, it didn't work out. And I'm sort of thankful for it. It wouldnot have worked out later, anyway. I had to end it sooner than later.
I don't think it's a coincidence that all the girls who have commented on this poem have had a Chris in their lives, because they probably only read it due to them having had or still having someone called Chris in their life.
Girls, I hope you & the Chris in your life live happily ever after together. (What a cliche'!)
Good luck for the future all of you.

And Nic, please keep writing. I love all your poems. I've known about this site, not even for a week now, and I'm searching through all the catergories reading your poems & commenting on them. You have a beautiful gift. Do not ever stop writing, it would be a terrible waste of your talent.

Much Love; Xox.
Name: megan2006-10-22
that was such a cute poem
Name: christina2007-05-29
i too dated a chris. and it went pretty much exactly like your poem except we never got back together and now he doesnt talk to me.. lol long story but i really like this poem its really good. keep up the amazing workk <3 =]
Name: chantelle2007-06-29
no offence im glad you two got back together hope it lasts but 'after your gone' had more of a meaning to it.
Name: jenni2008-06-24
im glad you two are bak together ive dated someone named chris bt it all went down
crying now.
Name: megan jane2008-07-09
me and my chris fell apart.
i was stupid and let him go..
dont make that mistake hold onto him.
Name: Kasi2008-10-06
This is really great. It describes me and my boyfriend,Chris exactly.
Me 2
Name: semra2008-06-03
oh Wow i lik dis boy chris 2 n we hav alot in common but its not gona work but he liked me at da wrong time. At least it worked out 4 u but in grateful cuz he my BIFFLE now I LUBBBZZZZZ ur poem
Name: Lakiesha2013-02-21
Yeah that's what I'm tailkng about baby--nice work!
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