Love Poems

I Guess You Just Don't Know How Much It Hurts Comments

Reader Comments
Name: Sumone2005-04-30
I kept getting sidtracked. Drifting away from the point. Love Sucks big Time.
it hurts
Name: none ya2005-08-14
love sucks n it hurts specially near my birthday im scared he wnt want me bak i feel so alone
the tears i keep crying
Name: bev2005-09-12
love is such a powerful word, so wonderful, yet so hateful. i just lost my true love cant take the pain. and i can see im not alone, so wipe those tears that you do cry . you have to hold your head high for you will get by
total agreement
Name: candice2005-09-17
People often use the word love, when what they really mean is lust. I was used recently like heart was ripped over and over again.
Love Hurts
Name: Cool One2005-10-11
This poem is powerful. it justs makes me think of the past of what happend to me.
i cry for you and only you
Name: lost gurl2006-03-15
love does suck and losing someone you dearly love is painful. life goes on and you can't keep them forever!
Hate luv
Name: Isaac2007-12-15
True that i hate wnt they say they luv u wnt they dnt mean it
this is love
Name: peaches2009-10-28
if someone loves you,they won't hurt you.
love him
Name: grace2008-02-18
hi. my bloke left me 1 week ago. i still avnt got over him. his face still haunts my dreams.
his ocean blue eyes and his sexy black hair. i love him... y don he feel this way bwt me.
First love
Name: Anita2008-03-14
Nothing hurts more than losing ur first love.It pains so much, why lie but the good thing is; u can love again.Open ur eyes n everywhere u look u'll find love.Wipe those tears, take a sigh n move on, the best will come last!
Name: Kix2008-04-20
This poems is well written. It has a nice twist effect. You can feel it as well as see it. Terrific!
Hello KathleenLovely
Name: Monica2014-05-22
Hello KathleenLovely to hear from you. Sorry for the delay in replying! The Writers group is clunertry working on an exciting project with the Refugee Survival Trust. This has been a women only project with women from our writers group and a group in Edinburgh working together. They are now working on filming their stories and are being taught how to make films themselves which they are really enjoying, the whole process has got everyone's creative juices flowing! The project will finish in June with an event at the Tron for Refugee Week. Perhaps you will be able to come along then and find out exactly what everyone has been up to. Glad you like the photo, think after all the hard work you put in to the group as our valued volunteer you deserve a little credit! Hope you keep well and feel free to get in touch any time.Best wishesLiane
you were sorta late
Name: Semir2014-05-22
you were sorta late that day & now every day. my idle dream of holiday hosues & beaches & eastern seaboard romance becoming some bucolic nightmare. you are the lastest person on earth at night. every night. i prise up the floorboards. bored. three possums have made a home there. they stare in orange.this is six lines - the comment box won't allow it though...
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