Love Poems

The Apartment Is Dark

The apartment is dark.
I like it that way.
Through unshaded windows
I look across the street.
People there have lights on.
I see them through curtains.
A muscular young man
Washes dishes with his wife.
A woman drinks beer
In the blue light of TV.
On the top floor a mother,
A daughter, a daughter:
Three without men.
Next door an old couple
Smothers the fear
Of who will die first.
In a singles bar
I meet a woman
And have nothing to say.
Too many times
I have said the same things.
I watch here in darkness,
In the peace of aloneness,
And think about me,
And think about you.
Nicholas Gordon
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This message sohlud
Name: Irina2014-05-22
This message sohlud be sent to every user on internet regardless of his name, religion. People who are blingdly following sattan followers around the globe sohlud know what is the true meaning of love in sight of Almighty Allah SWT. However, the true backgound of Valentine Day, the true message towards Muslims of the world sohlud also be incorporate somewhere in between the message so that people who have mercy in sight of Almighty Allah SWT sohlud get the righty message & those who do not due to their ignorance of knowing the rightest religion (Islam) whould have no escuse on the day of judgement. Muslims, who are ignorant in knowing & practising their true religion sohlud be ashamed of celebrating valentine's day. May Almighty Allah SWT show right path to every Muslim in the world since lack of Iman causes such things (Ameen). It is the duty of every Muslim around the world to seek the true love of Almighty Allah SWT by going in the Path of Allah SWT to strengthen his Iman & also learn the religion. It would ease reducing his distance between the mercy of Almighty Allah SWT & him. Islam is the only natural religion for mankind which leads towards true success & happiness in this world & the world hereafter.
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