Love Poems

You Left Me, but You Cannot Leave My Heart

You left me, but you cannot leave my heart.
I hold you there, with or without your will.
No matter where you go, you will be part
Of me, my dearest friend and lover still.
I'll tell you of the pain I feel, and all
The things you've done that hurt and make me bleed.
And then your icy words you will recall,
And comfort me, and give me what I need.
This I can do alone, and yet the real
You lives and lies far beyond my touch.
But since my true intention is to steal
The you I loved, the real you isn't much.
Don't worry--I'll treat you tenderly:
The lovely you, you left behind with me.
Nicholas Gordon
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Reader Comments
Name: candy gurl2006-11-08
this poem is kind of cheesy but it was ok i guess
with me 4 eva
Name: babygirl2007-08-04
my ex-boyfriend left me but he dont now dat he will alwalys be in my heart 4 the rest of my heart till i die n he wont eva now dat
Name: Jasmin2012-04-30
Yes, saying that a book of poems is from the heart might sound clihce, but there is a reason clihces become clihces it's because they have been used over and over when found to be true. I was quite impressed by Love Poems for the One You Love, and extremely surprised that I was so impressed. This is, compared to some other Kindle ebooks, not a dirt-cheap book of poems tossed together. Thank goodness! Keep in mind, this REALLY works well for men to keep in a hidden drawer to pull out and melt his love interest at various strategic times! Her heart will soften with these. For example, the aptly titled, Cuddle Time, might sound like a sort of syrupy rhyme but it's extremely touching, especially to a woman in love, and this one poem won a Valentine's Day competition for good reason. It's poetry with depth that the title belies a bit and causes its hearer or reader to be surprised in a very good way upon hearing the stanzas. Men, this book is not for the faint-hearted, it is for REAL MEN who love the woman they are with. The poetry within here actually will boost your confidence and at the same time improve your lady's feeling of closeness and oneness with you. Stairway to Heaven is one such example that tells her exactly what she means to you in a way that a WOMAN relates to ( Now with you I've entered Heaven's stairwell ). For 110 total poems here, you get extreme VALUE in this marvelous collection!
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