Vic and Jennifer Are Deep in Love
Vic and Jennifer are deep in love.
Quite a couple, people often say.
They also like each other very much,
Which is not, of course, the usual way.
Often people hate the ones they love
Because they feel all tangled in a net
Of needs and expectations they don't want
And know they can't quite get away from--yet.
But Vic and Jennifer are smart enough
To know the need to like the ones they love;
To enjoy what life and love have put before them,
And dance when they don't have the will to move.
Vic has brown hair, Jennifer's a blonde,
But both display the clearest light blue eyes.
Thus they're different, yet they are the same:
A formula familiar to the wise. |
Nicholas Gordon |
Reader Comments |
Name: Berkant | 2013-02-20 |
there is no need to move to Alberta, as a) I think the height of the paluge is now over, anyway, and b)Edmonton and Calgary also have lots of bedbugs.In any case, having suffered through bedbugs in Vancouver, they no longer frighten me that much. Just have a bed on four legs and no other part of the bed touching the floor with little dishes to trap the bedbugs, and a bedbug proof mattress cover, and you can nearly always detect the buggers on time. Also, I think it helps to have lots of other little insects in your house. My current house in Korea has lots of little centipedes running about, so any bedbugs we might have brought back with us from Vancouver (and I think we brought one or two, one or two more during a trip to Germany, as I know the hotel room we were in was buggy) were eaten in pretty short order by the centipedes. |