Love Poems

My Anger Stands Between Us like a Wall

My anger stands between us like a wall,
Or a river of burning brimstone straight from Hell.
I love you, and I want to love you well;
I call for help, but you can't hear my call.

I love you for the man that you've become
And for the years we've put into this life.
But all the pain I've suffered as your wife
Has left my poor, scarred spirit deaf and dumb.

God help me, please! I need to cross to you
And live the life I never thought we could.
Be patient with my anger, and the good
Within us will my fisted thoughts undo.

I know the fault is mine now, and I'll try
To let go of the wounded, dying past.
For us and for our son this has to last.
And so I bid my angry soul good-by.
Nicholas Gordon
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my life saddnes
Name: shella2005-10-25
i luv my boy so much and just bcoz of our anger we both split away... very hurtful...redaing this poem i realize how bad can be anger...can spoil anything in life.
Hello 2s I am Chloe
Name: Mansur2014-05-22
Hello 2s I am Chloe from 6d and I think your poems were very good.You all did really well when you was pmriorefng your poems.Did you enjoy it?Next time maybe you could all try and speak a bit louder.From Chloe.
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