Love Poems

Everything I've Done, I've Done Comments

Reader Comments
I will like to say.....
Name: Shygirl2005-01-11
It reminds me and the first guy i ever like and knowing as the poem said "Your heart's my only home."
Love is blind
Name: Sandra2011-05-09
It's like you understood what i'm going through.. Thank you! GUD LUCK TO YOU~
love it
Name: myra2005-08-10
dude i so love all ur have a real talent
It makes me feel...
Name: Kirsty2006-03-27
This poem makes me think of myself I think you have good talent.
lovee it
Name: colesha2011-02-22
thank u...this is exactly how i feel but cudnt put it in word
Name: girl2010-04-17
damn all of your poems are so amazing but this one is my favorite.
Name: Lost In Love2008-10-14
Truly great poem, I really enjoyed it.
Name: Elena2009-02-13
Just very apt! I like it.
Name: kit2009-05-11
good talent but wtf is with the last line??? dude you have this great rhyme and poem going on here and then you end it without rhyming.....ok?
Name: an unrequitted lover2008-04-02
its exactly how me and my best friend are. if only he knew how i felt. if only he knew i loved him.
love it
Name: Marie2008-04-28
I love this poem. It is veryyy deep and it explains my life! Unrequited love....
Thank you
Name: Kay2011-07-26
This poem really touched me. I have finally found words to match how I am feeling. Thank you so much.
Name: Laltu2012-12-08
(I think Mary means new ways of rdnsopeing, but I like no ways of rdnsopeing. It's like your originality stems from your being Zen or dead or something.)I'm embarrassed to say that, as much as I've enjoyed her web sites and her readings of others' poetry, I've read almost nothing of Nic's own poetry. That ends today, I say. The stuff you quote is too good not to hold in my hand.Speaking of Zen, when I read these poems, particularly underlie, I was more conscious of my breath than I was of even the sounds I was hearing, the tone I was taking, or the workout my lips were involved in (I love the way my face moves while I say, Baghdad exploding in chipmunk / outrage in small burning /agony ). Where meaning isn't too evident but all that physicality is, I wonder if something in me is getting it while my brain is put on some kind of task maybe to get it out of the way.A handsomely written review, Dave. I'm taking away some pointers since I can't dance, either.
Name: Ravindra2012-12-08
I thought the tbirute was quite fitting in all ways. In the last few weeks there have been (in my case) too many untimely deaths. I feel the fullness of those lives should be celebrated, although the people who are left behind are saddened by the loss.I found The Poem' quite comforting and inspirational.
Name: Kavya2012-12-10
Love it, soft and pretty. Its looks great. I toatlly added my Aqua Ball jars to a few of my vignettes this year, because I used blue in my V-day decor this time. Come link to CraftOManiac Monday going on now. WINKS, jen
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