Love Poems

I Love You Even Though I Know

I love you even though I know
You show no love for me.
Your eyes are icy springs that feed
My hidden ecstasy.

All night I hold you in my arms
And sleep in your embrace.
All day I turn away from life
To gaze upon your face.

Alone I find within my heart
A black and raging sea,
For only you, beloved one,
Can calm my Galilee.
Nicholas Gordon
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Darkened ships on a black sea
Name: Frost Bite2005-01-28
Nicholas, This is not one of your best poems, but it speaks of our inner pain. I feel as if I can relate, and I shall attempt to join you in expressing this darkest of emotions. Keep loving, and let us jump once more into the breach my friend.
My Heart Hurts
Name: Stephanie2011-05-06
It was beautiful. You mirror my own feelings exactly. I feel that it is only when you are completely in love with someone who doesn't feel the same eay can you truly judge such a piece.
Good Job
Name: Sandra2011-05-09
i rated you a full mark,i don't know if this poem great or not but the only things i know is that it touched my heart because this was what i'm going through a few years ago.. he was my frst love till this day,eventhough he maybe doesn't know it.. he's dating someone else right now so the only things i can do is keep silence and watch him for afar while hoping someday someone else will love me and i love him too..
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