Love Poems

You Don't Love Me, But Ah! Do I Love You! Comments

Reader Comments
Name: heartbroken girl2011-04-04
you're poems are so beautiful, it speaks what my heart is saying and it makes me feel like someone understands
Absolutely touching
Name: Angel2006-03-02
Your mastery of words is remarkable!
Name: wow2006-05-10
that was beautiful
Name: lottie2006-06-10
that poem moved me to tears.
good try
Name: nigel2006-09-05
It doesn't quite get the misery of the unrequited across; you're still in the 'it will happen eventually' stage.Try again when the full desperate horror of knowing that it never will happen hits you.Good luck
Name: mary allison2007-03-05
thaat was betutful
gud poem
Name: awadhi2007-04-07
i like the poem ,,i am on that situation now ,,its real hurt
absolutely beautiful
Name: shashi2007-07-14
really lovely poem. really touched me. So true to every word
Name: ab2007-07-14
the who;le poem rellay touched me. guess because i am in that sort of situation
My hope of joy must be my source of pain
Name: just another2007-12-08
could not have said it better myself.
unreuited love poem
Name: matilda2011-02-15
very touching
Name: iLIKEpoems2011-02-22
Truly awful, are you 12?
how do you do this
Name: Shawn2010-04-08
how are you able to take other peoples feelings like that?
Name: Dristarg2010-05-19
A lovely sonnet.
Name: memyselfandi2010-09-30
I feel the same why your poems describe your really.. well wow at this haah :) please dont ever stop writing and ohh to the day your love is yours those poems of love will rock worlds :)
Sooo perceptive
Name: AJAJ2010-12-02
Ohhh I know that feeling well!
Name: yeahboy2011-01-18
the last line is the most moving for me.. its so true.. there are times when you hope for that joy, but that hope brings you to so much pain
and an unloving man
Name: An unloved woman2009-08-01
It made me cry
Name: Destiny2009-09-14
The words in this poem are so deep, and I am going through exactly this. This poem definitely touches me. Thank you for posting your beautiful words.
Name: alle2009-09-17
good poem. it could maybe sung as a song
Name: Amazing.2009-09-22
Name: elle2009-10-25
nice poem!
Reminds me
Name: Bob2009-11-18
This is just what it feels like so sad that she will never know.
Name: Ahmed rashid2010-01-28
“it kills me” – the intensity of his love being repelled and made to endure the suffering of waiting for her is maximise and compared to the taking of life- Personified to show deep emotions

“I am chained to you as fish to sea…” – Very emotive and appeals to the senses and heart- With the senses, his love is bounded and he uses the natural world for emphasise of magnitude and importance; to describe the close bound and just such the fish needs the sea to survive and that has been the case since day 1, his love shows longevity and deep desire to be unite and its “natural”

“Such love as this must sweep all walls away!” – the “must” reflects a surety of the oncoming and the strength of the passion that will be unleashed. Love is personified and taken to a degree of strength, power, independence that will surely overcome anything but…

“Until then, this sorrow will remain:
My hope of joy must be my source of pain” – After having deeply explored the prospect of the sheer intestity of his love to her, reality brings back the reality of unrequited love and the author surrenders to it knowing that after suffering the pain of unreturned love, there is hope of joy. Reality in the last line conflicts with the high optimism in the first. This is the nature of unrequited love, you’re in Limbo. You love but can’t have!
Name: pure and simple2010-02-08
(I hope that my comment title thing didn't offended anybody)

I LOVE YOU! All of your poems are, actually AMAZING! I can relate to them 100%, but hiya does have a point: YOU NEED TO LIVE A LITTLE!

but other than that, your poems are're an astounding poet! I wish that I could express my inner thoughts and feelings as well as you. You should praise God (or whoever/whatever you believe in) for the marvelous gift that has been bestowed upon you! I hope that you will continue writting poems and expressing your deep emotions of love and unrequited love! :D good work!
beautiful . x
Name: Caroline2010-02-15
i love the poem , so gorgeous .
Name: omg2008-10-14
man i wish i knew u in person..
all ur poems snap..
i wish i could write like u..
i have this darn hw to do n i have
serious writers block..
mayb cuz i cant rhyme for the sake of
my life..
but ur awesome.. love ur poems
keep up the good work!
Name: Anonymous2009-04-03
Dude I read some of your other poetry ...genius...This is also a masterpiece!
Name: hiya2009-05-09
um...this guy has a problem.....he has written like ALL of the unrequited love poems....nice poetry..but seriously.... c' a little!!!!
I love this poems
Name: Abolarin Tajdeen Adebayo2008-02-09
I love this poems
Name: Cat2008-02-09
this is so great i can really relate to it with something that i am going through. keep waiting for that special someone they'll come through.
Never were words so close to my heart.
Name: The Girl Who is Waiting2012-02-29
You have written something so pure and real, it makes my heart hurt. I am waiting for someone. Have been for seven years, and will for a couple more to come, I should think. You give me hope that it's going to work out, and that he will care, even if he doesn't now. Thank you.
Name: neverloved2011-10-26
You're poems have expressed what I could not. Thank you so much putting them online where everyone can read the stories of your heart. It reminds me that I'm not the only one Who understands. Thank you.
Name: Michiyo2012-04-30
Hey, you're the goto epxret. Thanks for hanging out here.
Name: Nerice2012-04-30
Your postnig is absolutely on the point!
Name: allen2012-05-02
You know, this got me thinking this mnirnog. I for one, would love to read these poems. The poems the poets love. The poems layered with meaning, yet misunderstood. The poems that get bypassed because they live beyond the 7-sec sound-bite for comprehensibility.I think it would be great to find a place, designed to improve the readership of poetry. Whether a journal or blog, a place where the poem is posted, and where the poet gives some insight as to what they were thinking, what they hope the reader will get from a piece.I know it's taboo for poets to explain their poems, but I'm sure that many times the words, the layers, and the meaning are there I just don't get it I for one would love the help.Besides, reading the favorites works of a poet would make me feel like I understood them a bit more, I rather like that idea.
Name: jon2012-07-03
fabulous. You will be famous someday.
God bless
Name: lisey2013-01-11
You comprehend the sorrows of a broken heart
Grazi for maknig it
Name: Kassi2014-05-23
Grazi for maknig it nice and EZ.
What a pleasure to f
Name: Fannie2016-07-22
What a pleasure to find someone who idtneifies the issues so clearly
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